the being in her eye

she dreamt of horses. one, in particular, was jumping around her and playing with her, closer to her size. she dreamt of Italian family she'd never known. an aunt was pregnant and told many of her friends that she had connections to the mob in her current life.

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failing upward

I’ve been noticing smells a lot lately. The must of water from the earth when the sprinklers turn on, the richness of redwood foliage piled upon itself in the groves, the sweet, distinct scent of my cat’s fur when I burrow in her to kiss her, the skin and hair of my ex-lover, the citronella candle at dusk.

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going inward for capricorn season

journaling is a powerful ritual for me. it’s affirming, purging, soothing, cleansing, meditative. it is one of my favorite therapeutic methods. i hope these prompts shine a light on your beauty and the good you bring to the world. happy Capricorn season!

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